Finding Focus

Tending to Business

maxfieldparrishonlinegalleryresize600I learned two lessons this week.

SEO, search engine optimization, is incredibly productive. In the last post – First Things First – part of that assignment was working on SEO. Even though the metrics on this blog are modest — you have to pay attention to a doubling, tripling (and more) in readership. It’s an important lesson.

I have another site – The Maxfield Parrish Online Gallery. At one time this site ranked in the top three results in all the major search engines — It is slated, this winter, for a “frame off” restoration, but it has fallen off the front page of any search results — because the SEO hasn’t been tended. It’s an important lesson.

What have you done for your website, lately?

Part B of this first lesson is, I received an unexpected gift from my instructor. His suggestion was the last post could have a greater impact if it were broken into bite sized portions, specifically, broken into three articles.

I wish I’d thought of that, but, I’m sure glad somebody did.

Not only does that suggestion increase readability — the side benefit is — I now have three small engines driving SEO instead of one.

 First Things First — and — First Things Second — and — First Things Third

For the World So Sweet

The second lesson I learned this week was – nobody, except yourself, is responsible for missed opportunities.

My wife & I went to the Holly Festival in Milton, Delaware last weekend. She went looking for holiday decorations. I was looking for background for an article I’m preparing for – The Carpenters Journal.

Diane found lots of decorations. I found bupkis — and worse — I let my disappointment get in the way of recognizing another opportunity.

On the way home, in an antique shop in Georgetown, I saw a wall hanging with a child’s prayer on it. Later, I realized I should have had my camera, and I should have struck up a conversation with the lady who ran the place. It was a window into a world I missed.

 A Child’s Prayer

Thank you for the world so sweet.

Thank you for the food we eat.

Thank you for the birds that sing.

Thank you God,

for everything.

One Last Thought 

So — since this post is the last assignment for this course — I do want to take this opportunity to thank each of my classmates. It has been an incredible experience to see how you put it out there. It inspired me watching you all.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

“Virgin Vinyl”
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Beatles, 1967

I invite all of you to use the comment section to link to your blog (backlinks  – *wink*). And that goes for you too, Dave. You did an awesome job as instructor. You are a very patient man. Thank you.

Oh, one more thing Dave — *smile* — I ran across one of your other incarnations on the internet.

I knew you’d appreciate. I call this photograph —- “Virgin Vinyl”

Uh huh. nmh.  



I've been where you are now. A little help goes a long way. So --- go ahead and ask whatever is on your mind. I'll answer if I can --- and if I can't --- I'll point you in the right direction. I've had a lot of help from a lot of folks along the way. This is my way of "paying it forward". ~.~

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