Finding Focus

Maxfield Parrish Online Gallery

Tending to Business I learned two lessons this week. SEO, search engine optimization, is incredibly productive. In the last post – First Things First – part of that assignment was working on SEO. Even though the metrics on this blog… Continue Reading


First Things Third

putting the materials to work

A Brief List of the Tools & Resources (part 2) Web Design & Development I’m not advocating you design web sites. But, you need one. However, a Blog will do to begin. We will go about figuring out the criteria… Continue Reading


First Things Second

Bringing in building material

Outline of Internet Business Tools and Resources How do we implement the tactics to achieve the strategy? I am still working on that “how to” to put up a business Facebook page. I promise. But I didn’t want to jump… Continue Reading


First Things First


Online Internet Business Management This blog is about two things. First, it is a tactic in my strategy to build a successful online internet business. Second, it is a record of what steps I take to achieve that goal —… Continue Reading